Episode 4 - Drama, Oh Drama

Welcome to Episode 4

We left off where Jan and Leah became the influencers

Meghan: Hey! That's so cool! Thanks, guys!

Leah: I told you we can do this!

Boris: I really hope it's not me going home tonight!

Vicky: I got 7th place... So what are the odds that I'm going home?

Reed: I don't hope we have the 'Influencer Curse' again like last season?

Min-Hee: Are we also at risk? We just came here!

Ned: Aww, I don't feel so good. *touching his breast* Will it be me that's going home?

Dylan: I hope I did make a good impression on the influencers...

Jessica: Wow! Look at this place!

Leah: Yep, quite impressive! Let's do it, sis!

Leah: Oh wow! We have the power Jan! I can't believe I made it up to the second place. I was sure you would, you were my personal first place, so there isn't much a surprise there! I'm so excited!

Though, I'm really not excited to block anyone 

#Heartbreaking How do we even go about doing this?

Meghan: Wow! This looks nice...

Meghan: First of all congratulations Leah! You were my first place too and I'm so happy others have put you high too. You're a lovely girl! Yeah, I've been thinking about it and it's gonna be rough, I don't have much reason to send anyone home. I guess the first thing to talk about is who we have to choose from... so, we have: Boris, Dylan, Reed, Robin, and Vicky

Everyone else goes to the 'At-Risk Chat'
Boris: Oh god, it begins. Good Luck everybody!

Reed: Good luck everyone.

Vicky: Good luck, everyone - it's been a pleasure. 

Ned: Good luck, friends.

Simone: Not sure if I here am a mistake of producers or I am at risk after all... but good luck yall, wish I could hang out with yall for longerrrrr #FrickinBlokings

Boris: I can't imagine that you are at risk Simone. Michelle would never do something without informing us... or would she? 

Let's see... ;)
Jessica: Aww! Thanks, babe! You're sweet! I genuinely love everyone to bits. I sat there just pondering who I might even consider sending home and I've got almost nothing! Do you have any strong feelings? Maybe let's just talk through everyone one by one then! Who should we start with?

Meghan: I don't have any strong feelings about anyone to be honest which makes it even more difficult. Let's go in alphabetical order. We'll start with Boris!

Now, I like Boris I feel like we've got closer in the last few days and I think he brings a good charm to The Circle 

Jessica: Boris seems really sweet and really fun. I like talking to him a lot and wanna get to know him better. I don’t think I wanna send him home!

Meghan: Next up is Dylan! If you'd have asked me the first time I may have considered him because we didn't talk much at all, but I've got to know him the past two days and he is such a baller! I really like him, I think he has much more to give than we've seen 

Leah: Omg! I love Dylan. He’s so real and #relatable. He seems like he was judged really quickly but he’s actually really nice and I really like him! Glad he got third. He’s a big, big no for me to send home!

Meghan: Yeah I think a lot of it was due to the fact he hadn't talked much but by gosh, he is a personality. I think his boost is gonna help him come out of his shell more! I also think he is gonna be a big no-no to send home.

Next up is Reed, I like him- he's a cool cat and he knows a lot of stuff. It's quite impressive how smart he is.

Jessica: Reed is so cute and well fit. He’s also my #GeminiTwin. We haven’t talked as much as I want to compare to the other guys like Robin and Boris. So I’m not 100% where I stand with him but I don’t wanna see him go at all.

Meghan: #GeminiSquad is real in The Circle! 

Next up we have Robin, Robin is such a sweetheart and I feel for him in his situation with his child. He is lovely and checked in on me when I had my headache the other day which was cute of him. Just between me and you, he is quite sexy hahaha 

Leah: Robin is well fit! I see you girl, I see you! Robin and I started off really slow. We didn’t talk too much at the start but all our conversations have been really nice since then. He’s so lovely. Though, he may be too good to be true! I’m super scared that out of the first 8 people, he’s the catfish!

Meghan: He's definitely my type, I wouldn't go there though I don't think I'd be his type haha  He does seem too good to be true which worries me, I'm not sure he is the real deal.

Last up is Vicky! I like her, she is a sweet girl 

Jessica: Vicky is a strange one for me. I sent her a message at the start and she replied with a really really really long and confusing message. I don’t really understand what it said! I feel like we would be really similar but we’ve only sent each other two messages each. I still know nothing about her. I don’t know if it’s just me she’s quiet to

Meghan: That's odd, what was it about? I've spoken to her a little bit but she doesn't seem like the social type. She's nice though.

Leah: I think it was about her and something about a school careers counselor and her mother and and and about a farm maybe? It was just really really overwhelming. It wasn't a good first impression. So I'm really confused.

Sometime later...

Boris: Is it time that I have to pack my suitcases?

Reed: Please, don't let it be me...

Dylan: Yeah, I'm good!

Ned: Beth? Who's Beth?

Min-Hee: Not us!

Vicky: I told you so! Ugh!

Odessa: Vicky! D: Noooooooo

Boris: No Vicky... I'm so sorry to see you go

Dylan: Wow, Vic, like that's peak bro, I got on really well with her. 

Ned: I liked Vicky, too. I suppose it will be like this every week, though. Very sorry it was you, Vicky. This is sincere. 

Who is Beth?

Min-Hee: Beth is Leah. That's what she told me 😆

Meghan: Leah, I meant Leah. I haven't even had any gin yet hahaha

Ned: Interesting. OK. Thanks.

Then another alert...

Boris: So we notice... Sad times...

Reed: Aww, poor girl. I hope she comes and visits me though...

Jessica: I really hope she doesn't come here...

*Vicky gulps down a sob*

Vicky: H-hello?

Ned, there is someone in your apartment...

Ned: "..."

Ned: Vicky! I was legitimately upset you left.

Vicky: "..."

Ned: I'm Ned... But I'm only a catfish because everyone knew who I was from last season. Robin is my best friend, and he's a great guy.

Vicky: ...So you were lying to me too... I can't do this...

Ned: No. I'm myself. It's just my name is different because they would not let me in as Ned. It's not fair. You were not my last choice. There are a lot of phony baloneys here. I might be a catfish, but I'm genuine. And it's not by choice.

Ned: Who else lied to you, Vicky? Because I'll get them for you. You deserved better.

Vicky: I... I thought I could trust you... but now I find out I don't even know the... the guy I was starting to get a crush on...

Ned: I called you hawt!!! I'm Ned!! I'm a good guy.  And like farm life and military families.  My dad was a marine! I know I could stand to lose a few pounds. 

Vicky, I know it hurts. Just know I was not a catfish by choice. I am sorry...

Vicky: You're not Robin. Or... who I thought was Robin, or... I don't know anymore. I think I just need to go back to the farm and cry into a cold beer or five.

Ned: Just one cold beer. Alcohol can make things worse if you overdo it, Vicky. Tell me who else lied to you and I'll set them straight.

Vicky: You wanna know who lied to me??? How about EVERYONE who said I was their favorite and a really good friend or whatever, and they PUT ME AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FUCKING RATINGS?

Ned: You were definitely NOT in my bottom 2, Vicky.

I was pissed about that, too. Because they act like they are oh so sad that you had to go home but you wouldn't have been in the bottom if they hadn't put you there in the first place.

You realize I basically said the same thing BEFORE I even knew you were coming to see me. They are hypocrites.

They really are. I am so so sorry. I wish I could be gone instead of you. They are just two-faced.

Like I said, I'm a physical catfish -- but at least I'm sincere and honest in other ways.

Vicky, when the hurt wears off a little bit, remember what I've said. I have a lot of respect for you.

Ned: Can I give you a gift or something to cheer you up? 

Vicky: It might as well be for all I want it right now. Oh well, it'll pair well with booze and tears later.

Vicky: Oh, teddybears, how lovely. This one's called Vincent, and that one's Estella. 

And they have a happier ever fucking after than I apparently deserve.

Ned: Calm. You deserve more than you got, and I think you know it.

Vicky: I refuse to keep calm around you.

Ned:  I understand.  I deserve it.  And you can take out your anger on me because you can't take it out on the others.  I'm apparently the only one who didn't want you (or me) out.  Obviously, I'm a close second to going home, so all the ones who were "nice" to me didn't really mean it, either.

They are sneaky.

And I know I'm a stupid catfish, but really -- it's not by choice.  I'd prefer to be Ned the Camera Man from season 1.

Michelle: Your time is up Vicky!

Vicky: Oh, finally! And Ned?

...Fuck you.

Ned: Bye Vicky! I'll miss you! When you are over your rage please forgive me...

Next Morning

And the first Alert of the new day

Ned: Vicky's parting message was a good one. She was a really sweet girl. It's a shame so many of you rated her so low.

Leah: I feel absolutely terrible but out of everyone ViVi was the only one who didn't really talk to me

Honestly, it was the hardest decision and I know that I would be really sad to have lost anyone no matter who was responsible for the blocking. Everyone is so amazing and this game is so brutal ~

Ned: Whatever.

Leah, you were likely the one who broke Vicky's heart. Just like you almost broke mine. We talked a lot in our chat about cats, books, romance novels, diapers, and kitty litter. And then you want me to get the boot.

I would have much preferred to get the boot than Vicky. I'm sure you are the one who said she was your favorite and then you just totally broke her heart.

Beth. Leah. Whatever your name is.

I don't care if this gets me blocked, but I cannot sit back and listen to you pretend to be something you are not. And I'm not calling you a catfish. I don't care if you are a catfish. What I care about is if you are a decent human being... and I am not seeing that in you.

Leah: Excuse me?! I fought to save you?! Ask Jan! We both agreed to keep you. Where the hell did this even come from?!

Vicky literally said exactly two messages to me, one of which was three paragraphs long and I didn't know how to respond? I don't know her but we are the same age and both love a party. So how about you get your #FactsStraight before you start acting like an ass.

Also where the heck did #Beth come from?!

Ned: Do I believe a crying girl who came to me in despair because someone tricked her, and then reassured by a respected member of the Circle or you?

Oh -- and you were called Beth by Jan in the blocking thread and Simone confirmed that you told her your name was Beth in the at Risk thread.

So. I think I got my facts straight.

Plus I sent you a pm and you didn't respond, so you had ample time to talk to me in private about this.

Shame, Beth, it really is.

Leah: I haven’t even talked to Simone! She hasn’t even responded to my private message yet?! 

You’re a liar Robin! How dare you?!

Boris: Okay, timeout guys. I know the situation is tense, but can't we deal with this in a much calmer manner?

After that Boris opens a Private Chat with Robin
Boris: Dude, what is going on? I know you are upset, but why are you attacking Leah all of the sudden?

Ned: I am sorry you feel I am attacking her.

I felt it was more a confrontation than an attack. But I felt like I was attacked in response. But I apologize to you nonetheless.

Have you spoken to her about the attack? Or is this one-sided? Which is OK if it is.

Boris: I have been talking to Leah about that, to be honest, and she is very upset about this, she is even considering to quit

Also, I'm confused about why you are so deadset on Leah because of the Beth thing. Jan told me that she accidentally wrote the wrong name. And Simone's message could also possibly be that Jan told her that she actually meant Leah, not that Leah told them both that her name was Beth

Also from the chats that I had with Leah, I don't think she is the type of person to lie to somebody just to further herself

Ned: Why would Vicky lie to me? What would the purpose be when she was already gone?

Why would Jan say Leah wanted me gone, but she fought to save me? And Leah said that they both wanted me saved?

Boris: I honestly don't know at this point man, things were so peaceful up until now, and I hear so many different sides that I don't know what to believe

What I can imagine from my own experience as an Influencer is that maybe they narrowed down the list to you and Vicky and in the end, Leah brought up more valid points to keep you over Vicky.

Leah also want to chat with Boris
Leah: Hi Bodie ~ I've changed it from BoDe to Bodie cause it's easier to read ~ Anyway... Right now you're the only person apart from Webby who is getting a nickname until further notice. Maybe Jannie too, but only if she can convince me that this whole Beth thing isn't her doing. ~

I don't know what happened, but I think Robin is a sociopath (Rob and Steal). I also think Jan might have tried to fake it to cause shade on me 

I want you to know, my name is Leah Rose Connolly and I have been nothing but myself since I walked through that door and I will continue to be myself until I leave!! ~

Boris: Leah, I normally not one to take sides, but I believe that you are real. All the things that I heard about you from that drama don't fit with the Leah I got to know at all, and I can tell you are really upset about the whole situation

I must say, I'm not so sure about Robin and Jan right now. Robin is currently listing all the chats he had with the others, including a chat he allegedly had with Jan where she was quite shady about you... I will try to follow it as well as I can and will keep you updated, okay?

Leah: Thank you, Bodie ~ Honestly had a really great chat with Reeders too who is helping me feel a little better by opening up to me, a bit more ~

Robin still hasn't responded to my question asking, essentially, and excuse my bad language, "what the fuck?". I don't know what I ever did to him but if anything it's shown people's true colors and who is ACTUALLY there for me ~

PS. I have a huge crush on Reeders and I'm squealing!!! It's a girl thing, but I don't have anyone else to tell cause I don't know if I should trust Jan or Simone. DON'T YOU DARE TELL A SOUL!!! ~

Boris: Hey Leah, you said that you didn't receive any of his messages, right?

Leah: Still haven't! Swear on my entire family! ~

Boris: Wait, do you mean that this is a technical difficulty then?

Leah: If this is a technical difficulty then no wonder we haven't gotten each other's messages!

Boris: You know what, I feel like this has been a massive misunderstanding from both sides because of problems with the PMS. Robin confirmed that he didn't receive any of your messages, at least that is what I understood

Leah: Still doesn't explain who TF Beth is, or why me of all people!

Boris: Yeah, that bit confuses me too. But since it wasn't Robin who brought up Beth first and he clearly didn't lie either, I think it is the best that the two of you talk it out.

Leah: Michelle opened us a new chat and we're talking now, but I am still #heartbroken. I don't know if I fully trust anything he claims anymore but knowing half of the lies are because of an error at least helps clear up the situation? ~

Also I now officially hate the name Beth  

Meghan opens a chat with Reed
Meghan: Hey Reed, I wanted to check up on you after the blocking. How are you doing?

Reed: I'm doing good now that I can take a breath. I really thought it would be me because of blocking Peaches and she was liked.

Meghan: Last night's blocking was rough, I had zero ideas on who should go.

I feel absolutely terrible sending Vicky home. I'm glad you're still here though, you've got a lot more to bring to the Circle 

Reed: Yeah, ending someone's dreams in this is really difficult. I sure hope I've got more to add to the circle.

Meghan: You have don't worry about it.

I see you've got some tattoos from your pics, how many do you have Reed? 

Reed: Just six right now, I'm working on sleeves and trying to pick some for thigh sleeves down the road.

Meghan: Awesome! Sleeve tattoos can be so cool.

I only have one on my ankle, I got it back in high school when I was being a rebel. It was a tattoo of a pizza slice 

Do your tattoos have any meaning to them or are they just for visuals? 

Reed: All tattoos have their own story, I'm sure even that tiny pizza slice does. Even if the story is I love this art style. but it has to speak to you somehow to get it actually stabbed into your skin. For example this one on my left shoulder... 

Wow, I pointed like you could see, dude the voice activation chat system is messing with me. It is just some calligraphy work someone did for me of my Dungeons and Dragons character but with daggers and stuff mixed in as points. It certainly doesn't look like anything special to most but I appreciate the art of it and the story behind it.

Meghan: That is true, there is always a reason or a meaning to them! The pizza slice looks so cool though, the artist did it with a really fine needle so it looks like a picture which I love 

Haha aww bless you, the voice activation chat is good but I have found myself forgetting to send sometimes  Your tattoo sounds awesome! I'll have to have a look when we get out of here!

Dylan opens a chat with Simone
Dylan: Yo Sim! Ain't talked like at all since our Overwatch game chat, what's going on over there? You seem to be like a real mystery to some people, I'd love to get to know you better.

So, like trying to think of a good icebreaker but my brain is seriously wavey. How about, what's your dog's name? and what made you like wanna color your hair purple?

Odessa: DYLAAAAAN! HOWS YA DOIN' FAM! Sadly it's not my doggo, shes my friends, her names Burned Potat tho. Still, be watchin' aka babysittin' on her tho, she's adorbs. I've been playin' around with my hair through me teens and me simply like this combo, purples a very funny color That's your gang on the pic on you prof right? Looks like ya found a cool bunch! Hmm, random question - whut was ya least fav school subject?

Dylan: Riiiiight, was that like, an impression of me?  Not bad mate but it needs work. XD That's cool bro, shame you gotta give her back like cuz she is such a cutie, wtf is a name like Burned Potat? That's mad! I'm lovin' it. 

Purple is a sick color, I'm more feeling a red vibe tho, you should seriously consider it, my mates gf Lisi dyed hers like bright red. She's the girl in the pic on my profile, that's the gang right there like you said and they are wicked cool. We don't get together as much as we did but like, maybe when I get outta here we'll crash at mine? You are welcome to join us.

Least fav? Aww mate, can I like to say all of it?  It was rough but I guess math? Numbers just don't click with me. What 'bout you?

Min-Hee: Nah, just like goin' ALL CAPS Like shoutin' at top of ya lungs, get that extra energy out XP Shes Shibe, babby shibes are potats and she dark black, hence the name  Lovin' that story behind it, me think it's original. Oooh me tried red already when I was 16, felt a bit... not 'xactly right yet, so moved on from there to new stuff. Reds a bit too bloody for me taste. If Lisi likes red thou its perfecto to me, ♥️ dun know her but gettin' to know her is on my bucket list now. Crashin' at yours with the gang sounds cool, preferably with Vicky's tractor ( never gunna drop that joke again now XD) Yea, math has sooooooooo many rules... thou fer math rules it the main thang. English was worse at that, sooooooo many ways the play with it but them teachers only care if ya follow the rules strictly. I mean, if yall just know what I'm sayin' its close enuff, huh, no need the polish spelling and all 

Dylan: Tried to finger paint it, it kinda worked? I dunno, feels bad like everyone is so much more artistic than me. Like yours, serious like, it's really good.

Odessa: Me thinks my palets too busy in the end, yer palets workin' out darn well dude, not too crowded and a circle ref XD ⭕ 8/5 ⭐s For some jobs ya gotta get you #HandsDirtey

And in another side of the building...

To be continued


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