Episode 1 - A New Season

Welcome back to a brand new Season of The Circle!

Welcome back to Season 2 of The Circle! A real-life gamer app where you get paid to be the most popular player

Our 8 players will all live in this building. But they can't see or hear each other. The only way they can get to know each other is through the voice-activated platform call The Circle

They can choose whoever they want to be, themselves, or someone completely different. When they are in the Circle, players need to make friends and gain influence. Because of the most unpopular players get blocked and replaced.

In the end, the players will decide who's the most popular player and the winner of 100000 simeleons.

In this game, you never know who you playing against

This is The Circle!

And let's see if the players have arrived yet

Wow! This looks amazing!

The bed looks comfortable...

I guess this is where the action will be...

And a space to make food.

Nice... I can stay here forever!

Let's see where I can put my friend...

There! Here you can watch how I win this game, Wilson! Let's do it!

Hi, my name is Boris De Jong and I’m a Hobby Photograph from The Netherlands. Ever since my parents died of age complications, I live together with my Twin Brother Mark. We are inseparable and had each other’s backs, no matter if Mark was bullied for being gay or if our parents disapproved of my decision to turn my Hobby into a Career.

I loved watching the first season and seeing all These different personalities, and I always tell myself that I can vibe with a lot of people, so I can use it to get very far in this game. I know I'm more of the physical type, but this game relies heavily on the social aspects, and I really wanna know if I'm right about my abilities or if I'm just delusional.'

Another player enters the Circle

Wow! Look at this!

A bedroom for a queen!

I'm sure that the fridge is full of stuff to make delicious food!

And here is the place where decisions will be made...

Hi, my name is Meghan Moss. I'm a single mom from London, I love music, art, and having fun!

But... I'm not going to play as myself and with my friend's permission, I will go by the name as Jan Pritchard.

I'm playing as Jan because I want to represent all the single mothers out there! I want to show that we can be successful and fun, and kick-ass while doing so.

Let's see who is next


Nice kitchen!

Living room! Cool!

Hi, my name is Reed Vargas and I am a sweet college guy who is into parties and playing games. I love country music and going out with friends. But the poor guy, that’s me, is still exploring himself and what he likes. #stillavirgin 

Joined college late because I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life but finally in my second year of learning how to be a chef and works in my free time as a waiter in a restaurant.

And another Player


I can live with this!

Nice Tv!

And here is where I will dream about the 100K I can win!

Hi my name is Vicky Havas and I grow up in a loving, secure, stable household with my biological twin brother, adoptive older sisters, Mum, Dad and an assortment of in-laws and hangers-on has molded Victoria (but PLEASE don't call me that, no-one ever does unless I’ve done something really heinous) into a loving, family-focused young woman who would love nothing more than to continue the cycle my parents started nearly thirty years ago.

So why come on the Circle, a show based around lying through your teeth and cutthroat competition? And why am I here? "Uh, hello??? Were we even watching the same show? It seems more like the perfect way to make new friends than new enemies! Good thing too..."

And the last 4 players

Yoh! We made it into The Circle!


That frame needs a picture of... Me!

"Yo blad, it's me the Webbster. I'm not big on self-promotion like, I'd rather be rocking out with my banging tunes, serious though I'm in a heavy metal band "Death Pandas" just me and the mates. Nothing big like just something I do, ain't it? I do still live with my mom and dad but that doesn't make me one of those basement living losers, I'm just like between jobs right now"

"It's for the fun realzy, cuz like the money is great and all but I'd just rather meet some new people and we all wanna get to know each other"


This apartment looks nice...

???: You are late!

Hey sis! That's me! #LateLeah. Did you check the apartment out? 

Leah: Is there something nice in the fridge to eat?

Jessica: I didn't look... Don't you first want to look at the rest of the apartment?

Leah: Yeah, you are right! Oooh, nice TV... Can we watch a movie?

Jessica: I guess this is how we will communicate with the other players. 

Leah: I want this room!

Jessica: Don't I have the first choice?

Leah: Nope!

Leah: I told you this room is just for you!

Jessica: Yeah, yeah... I will take this one...

Hi, I'm Leah Connolly. I’m working in Retail and is bubblier and more outgoing than my sister Jessica. That’s why we decided to play under my name. I am very upbeat and confident. I’m not shy and will like a little flirtation, letting out a secret or two, or being open about who I am and what I’m about.

I think my bubbly personality and fun-loving nature will definitely get me into the good books of the other Circle Players and I will be well-liked in the Circle!

Hi, I’m Leah’s twin sister Jessica. I aspire to be a professional writer someday and currently work as an editor. Unlike my sister Leah, I am a lot quieter and shut off from people. I’m not outgoing or like to flirt with anyone, let alone say or do anything too revealing. I am a lot tamer and reserved than my younger sister Leah, but I will be attempting to play as her.

I think my ability as a writer and my bond with Leah will help me create the best version of my sister. I think I could do great in getting people to be her friend and help us to win this!

And another...

This looks okay...!

But the decor is a bit boring but I guess I can live with this!


And here is where I'm going to trick the other players! Can we start already?

I am Ned and as you can recognize me, I was the Cameraman of season one and I’m the show's biggest fan. I have a good sense of humor and is the sexiest sim alive!

Because I was part of Season one and well known, I will play as my good friend Robin Steele. Otherwise, they will remember all the tricks I've played on them from beyond the cameras and blocked me first... And that we can't afford! Hehe.

Robin is a divorced father of one. He had a rough childhood and got on the wrong side of the law, working at the criminal warehouse. After the birth of his daughter, he decided to straighten up and fly right. He's working at a low paying job at the book store now and writes novels in his spare time. The lack of money is what led his wife to leave him, but he thinks he's better off without her because she was only in it for the gold.

And then the very last player before the first blocking

This looks really cool!

Nice kitchen! Hope there is nice food in the fridge!

Mmmm... This looks familiar... 

I'm sure that old women that played as her daughter was in this apartment last season... What was her name again? Cindy, Heather...?

My name is Peaches and I am a make-up artist from the UK, known for my eccentric personality and attire. I love to make people laugh, and can be very silly at times, perhaps some find me annoying but I don't care. Always on the lookout for some romance and a good time. Being a natural blond, I found myself being called dumb blond, so I went and dyed my hair ginger. 

And… Oh my gosshhh babe, so like I joined the circle to get myself more known because I'd like to expand my business and like hopefully do make up for celebrities someday. Omg, do you think I can work with Lady Gaga? What a dream that would be!

With that done let the players meet the others! The First Alert of the game.

Boris: Awesome! Let the game begins!

Peaches: Wow! Look at the others... A real interesting bunch. Robin looks like a hottie... Can we check out his profile?

Jessica: Oooh, I like this guy... And he got a little girl... Aww... Cute...

Leah: Yeah, he does look interesting. But what is it with the finger on his mouth? Does he have a secret?

Jessica: Mmm... I won't say that... But can we look at Jan's profile now? 

Dylan: Oooh, we got a hot mom in the Circle! I hope your kids are okay while you are playing in the Circle... Circle, can we open Leah's profile?

Ned: She hates her job? I'm sure this girl is a catfish! Actually, everyone looks like catfishes so far! Circle opens Peaches' profile.

Vicky: Oooh, a Lady Gaga fan and bisexual...? Can we move on? Circle, open Dylan's profile. 

Reed: Aww... I think we will get along well... Circle, open Vicky's profile...

Boris: She got her dad's nose and he wants it back? Hehe, that's funny... The girl got a sense of humor. I like that! Circle, open Reed's profile.

Meghan: Sounds like a fun guy... Let's see how far he will go... Circle, open Boris's profile...

And after that, it's time to have a real chat with the other players and get to know them better

Reed: Aww, cool! We can now chat with others... Circle, open up the Circle Chat!

Message. What's up dudes and dudettes! I guess someone has to get this party started. How is everyone settling into their new apartments? Send message.

Vicky: Oooh, let's check them out!

Message. Helloooooo everybody! Anyone else excited to be here? Send message.

Meghan: Great stuff! People, here come Jan!

Message. Hello sweethearts, how are you all doing?! I'm very excited to be here. Laughing Emoji. My apartment is quite nice, I'm slowly finding my way around here, how about you Reed? Send message.

Boris: Hey everyone!!!! Are you also glad to be here?

Message. Hey guys, I hope I'm not too late for the fun! Smiley Emoji. Send message.

Dylan: Yes! The people aren't shy at all! But will they like me?

Message. Sup guys! Just taking a quick look around my digs, this place is huge! Send message.

Ned: Oooh, I can start talking to them finally! And they will see that? I really hope they don't catch me out too soon!

Message: Hello, all. I'm just getting settled in. So far everything is very nice. A little quiet, but that might be good to sleep by. Send message.

Peaches: Oohlala! Let's talk baby!

Message: Omg, iya peeps!!! Soooo excited to be here, it's lovely to meet you all. Send message.

Jessica: What are you going to say to them? Are you going to tell them about me?

Leah: Are you crazy? You know our agreement! So keep quiet that I can talk to them.

Message.  Heyyyy everyone! ~ OMG I totally was too busy like setting up my profile! I'm so late to the party. Hashtag LateLeahStrikesAgain How's everyone going?! Send message.

Reed: I already like all the players. They seem so nice!

Message. I'd love to stay here since I'll actually be able to keep it clean with no roommates to mess it all up. I haven't seen my folks in awhile but I will miss calling them while I'm in here. Send message.

Vicky: I love my apartment! Can I take it with me?

Message. My apartment is GORGEOUS thanks for asking Reed. Heart Eyes Emoji. Can I just stay here? (No, because I'd miss my family.) Send message.

Meghan: Ooh, everyone seems so cool... I love them to bits!

Message. So what's everyone looking forward to the most while we're here? I'd love to do some of the fun challenges. Stuck out tongue Emoji. Send message.

Boris: I really like these people already!

Message: I guess I'm most excited about getting to know new people and getting to know where my strengths lie. Send message.

Dylan: Message. @Jan Might be just me but I'm so tempted to jump on the bed. Send message.

Ned: Jumping on the bed? That's crazy! They all seem so phony and fake. They are ALL catfishes...

Message. I am looking forward to the challenges and getting to know everyone better. You all seem much more sophisticated than I am, I'm sure whatever happens I'll learn a lot from you all. Send message.

Peaches: Message. I'm most looking forward to getting to know you all and hopefully proving that I'm not just an airhead, hehe. Send message.

Jessica: Can I get a turn now?

Leah: No... You know you will get your turn after the ratings...

Jessica: But what if they blocked us after the ratings?

Leah: They won't. I'm already lovable... Can't you see?

Jessica: You just send one message? Duh!

Leah: Just keep quiet that I can concentrate here...

Message. Honestly, I had to take a nervous wee as soon as I came in  (rofl)  #Excited #Terrified #Overwhelmed Didn't want to be the last person here, but I think I totally am! Nice to meet you all. Where do I even begin?! ~ Send the message.

And then another Alert

Dylan: Oh oh... I don't feel good...

Meghan: First Ratings?? Oooh...

Vicky: How must I know who I like more? We only had one chat...

Leah: I have to be an Influencer!

Jessica: Who will you block? I like all of them!

Leah: Mmm... Yeah, you are right that will be a difficult decision. 

Jessica: But we need to rate them first...

Leah: Oooh, you are right again! I really like Boris and think we need to put him first. I'm sure we have a bond already...

Jessica: Oooh, you've talked two sentences and already have a crush on the guy?   

Reed: I think he's going to rate me well, so that's a good reason to rate him high. Circle put Dylan in the second place.

Ned: I think I will rate Reed third...

Peaches: Let's rate Leah fourth. The lass reminds me of myself like, comes across as very fun

And then

And then it's time to get a snack after the hard work

Leah: I must say this is delicious! You know how to cook, sis!

After their tummies are full they are ready to socialize again
Jan: Circle opens a chat with Peaches. I really can see we can be friends.

Message.  Hi, Peachy! How ya doin' girl? Lovely to meet everyone yesterday, it's a good bunch at the moment. Smiley face Emoji. Send message.

Peaches: Aww, Jan wants to chat!

Message: Hiya darl, I'm doing just fine lass. Everyone here seems top-notch, loving them all. Good bunch we are indeed huns xx. Send message.

Meghan: Message. I'm not doing too bad love, agree on the others. They are all good eggs! I'm not looking forward to the ranking at all, I thought it'd have come a bit later on. Grim Emoji. Send message.

Peaches: Message. Hun, I think you are going to be just fine, the rankings have come by so quickly though like. Don't wanna go just yet, I'm having so much fun here already. What made you join the circle hun y? Send message.

Meghan: Message. Well... me and my mate Sandy had a girls' night out and we got talking about The Circle, anyways a few gins later I submitted my application because why the hell not and now I'm here! It's gonna be so much fun, how about you hun? Send message.

Peaches: Message. Exactly babes, why not join? I'd love to do makeup for the stars someday. Imagine if I got to work with Lady Gaga someday? Oh, my days!! Send message.

Boris opens a chat with Dylan
Boris: I really like this guy and think we will get along...

Message: Hey Webbster (hope I did that correctly lol), how are you doing today? Were you already able to settle down? Send message.

Dylan: Oooh, Boris likes to chat with me!

Message. It's like a new gaff innit? It's like staying at your parent's house, don't wanna make too much noise cuz you don't know what the neighbors are like but I could get used to this. :D I'm doing great fam, like what you been up to? You do like photos and stuff right? Is that like a job or just something you do for fun? Send message.

Boris: Message. About Photography, it is both actually. I started this as a hobby because I was interested in taking pictures and landscapes since I was a child. About six years ago I started to do it as a full-time job. It took a few years to really get into it, but now I can say that I can provide for myself and still have spare money, which is honestly the best-case scenario for me. Send message.

Dylan: Message. That's cool mate, I'd love to do something like that, you know? Like, be your own boss, if it's one thing I can't stand it's being told what to do. I've always wanted to be a professional musician but my parents say that that's more of a hobby than a job, my dad wants me to go into carpentry like him but sawing blocks of wood ain't my thing, ya know?

Ned opens a chat with Vicky
Ned: I think of all the players so far I like Vicky the most... Not that I don't think she's a catfish too...

Message. Good morning, Vicky. Are you having an OK time getting acclimated to your new space?  My apartment is nice, but it's lacking something homey.  It feels like a hotel room and I'm on vacation.  The depth of it hasn't really sunk into me yet. Send message.

Vicky: Oooh, Robin wants to chat with me...

Message. Morning! Yeah, same - for me it's a combination of "WHERE'S THE REST OF IT???" and "where the nuts are everyone?!" because living in an apartment on your own is WAY different to a farmhouse with five other people and a dog... Send message.

Robin: Message. Oh, I bet it's culture shock when you are used to a big family and wide-open spaces! What's your dog's name? Send message.

Vicky: Message. Luna, dog and Heart Emojis, she's this big fuzzy mutt who's probably part wolf and she's the best. Send messages.

Ned: Message. She sounds awesome! I don't have a pet, but my neighbors have two chocolate labs that I play with often! Send message.

Leah opens a chat with Reed.
Jessica: Haha, are you going to tell him about your crush?

Leah: Hey! Stop it!

Message. Heyyy there, cute stuff ~ Fancy seeing you here! How is it going?! Thought I'd open up a private chat with you!! ~ I'm so overwhelmed right now with all these new people. I wanna meet them all one on one but like I don't wanna get in anyone's way with all the convo's. 

So like, tell me about you!! ~. Send message.

Reed: Message. I totally get it, sometimes you just got to pick one or two things to reply to, but what's up fellow Gemini! Me, I'm a wanderer rather lost in life you know? Hashtag typicalGemini am I right? I can't decide what or who I like and testing out new experiences all the time. Send message.

Leah: Message. Yasss! Finally, a soul to connect to! #GeminiTwins! ~ Ugh! Tell me about it! I can't decide what I wanna do with myself in the morning, let alone make huge life decisions! Too busy just being me anyway ~ Besides I've got a whole stack of books that still wanna be read! I don't get time to spend being serious in making decisions! ~. Send message

Jessica: Oooh, sis, what if he is a catfish?

Leah: I don't think he is... He seems the real deal.

Jessica: But you aren't! You got me too... Hehe

Leah: Dang! Why did I agree to bring you with? You're going to spoil all my chances with Reed!

Reed: Leah seems really like a nice person and I will like to know her better!

Message. Can't say I read a whole lot, I don't usually have time cause I'm always off running and trying new things. But when I do sit down with a good book I can get lost for hours. Send message.

Then another Alert

Ned: Ooooh... I guess this is the rating results. 

Megahan: Aww, I'm scared! What if they don't like Jan?

Jessica: Oooh what's that smell?

Leah: It's the leftovers on the table... Why didn't you cleaned it up?

Jessica: We have a deal...! I'm doing the cooking and you are doing the dishes! So why didn't you cleaned up?

Leah: I can't now...! The results are coming through... And I'm scared! What if they don't like me?

Dylan: 8th place?! That sucks!

Vicky: Hopefully, I'm not 7th... I don't want to go home now...

Peaches: What? Only 7th place? That's sad...

Reed: Oooh... I hope I'm higher than that at least...

Boris: Vicky is 6th... I really thought she would be higher.

Ned: I think 5th place is a nice comfortable place to be...

Meghan: Aww, I'm glad for Leah... She seems a nice girl.

To be continued!


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