Episode 2 - Blocked

Welcome to the second episode of The Circle

We left off with the revealing of the first ratings

Boris: Oooh, I'm scared! Is it the result of the ratings? I'm not sure what impact I made on the other players... Good or bad?

Dylan: Oooh... Hopefully, I'm not last.

Meghan: Not 8th! Please...

Jessica: Aww... I really thought Dylan will do better...

Leah: I kind of expected that... He seems really vulgar and could be quite rude. Not sure if our attitudes will clash! 

Reed: Seventh place is still to low to be there... Higher! I want to be higher!

Peaches: Ugh! Why, people? Look at me! I'm gorgeous! I can't be that low!

Ned: I really want to be an influencer... So 6th place is out of the question!

Vicky: Ugh! 6th place! It could be worse, I guess!

Reed: 5th place is kind of nice... You won't be a target!

Boris: Awww... Leah! I really hoped she has done better!

Dylan: Wow! Two people in the 3rd place?

Meghan: What! I'm sharing a place with Robin? That's awesome! I guess... Oh, and that makes Boris and Reed the first influencers of this season!

Leah: Oooh, I'm glad Boris is an influencer! At least we are safe!

Jessica: Yeah... Boris seems a nice guy.

Peaches: I did put Reed first, so I really hope they don't block me!

Ned: Another alert so soon? Are the influencers going to block someone now?

Vicky: Oooh, a game before the blocking... Nice! So we still have a chance to influence the influencers... Hehe...

Boris: I definitely don't do that! Circle, I agree!

Dylan: Oooh, we got a tie on the results... How interesting!

Meghan: I definitely disagree!

Leah: I think some of them lied on this question! I'm sure some will play dirty to win!

Jessica: Awww... 

Peaches: A white lie now and then? Yes... But every time...? Nope! Circle, disagree!

Reed: I guess most of the players play safe... Hehe.

And with that, another alert

Dylan: Oooh...

Meghan: Now?

Leah: Go, Boris!

Peaches: Why do I feel all of a sudden not so cool? Did a black cat run over my grave, perhaps?

Ned: Now I'm scared... Does someone suspect something of me? 

Vicky: I don't wanna go home!

Reed: Ugh! Do we really have to do that, now?

Boris: Did you hear that, Wilson?

Boris: I'm an influencer! Woot! Let's go to the hangout!

Boris: Wow! Look at this place!

Reed: Awesome! This place looks nice...

Reed: Okay Boris, my dude. Are you ready for this? I was certainly expecting to be 3 or 4 maybe, but not an influencer. Where should we start?

Boris: Absolutely NOT ready (rofl) I didn't expect to be one of the Influencers, and now we have to send somebody home again :o

Maybe we should start with sharing our experiences with the others and decide with the criteria we have who should stay

Reed: It's different from watching it, then actually being the influencer. Who should we start with? Should we start at the top or the bottom of the ratings and go that way?

Boris: We could start from the top and go all the way down to the bottom.

Reed: Well obviously the #Bitsnart dudes are awesome so on to the third place. Haha! The tied to. So Jan... Pros, she's friendly, a partier. Cons, she makes me nervous.

Boris: Why does Jan make you nervous?

Reed: Can't place my finger on it yet, she gives me a cougar vibe or maybe a catfish? Something has just been nagging me about her.

Boris: A Cougar? I wouldn't go so far. I think she is just very flirtatious. I think she is a very nice girl, and we had a pleasant conversation about her children.

Reed: True, could just be my panic with flirtations.

Ned: Good luck, everyone. Congratulations Reed and Boris!

Vicky: Congrats to Reed and Boris! And good luck to the rest of us

Dylan: Congrats Fam. Some shady ass people in this house, just saying. 

Meghan: Congratulations Reed and Boris! You did well on this ranking. Good luck to the rest of us, it's been fun getting to know everyone here!

Peaches: Congratulations to both influencers, you are great lads. I'm really upset how low I was ranked, was it all the knicker talk? Good luck lovies X

Leah: Good luck everyone ~ I don't wanna see anyone go so soon! I still haven't gotten to know everyone yet! Congratz Reeders and Bode ~ <3

Boris: Next on the list is Robin. The name sounds very similar to Rob And Steal, but apart from that, I can't seem to find anything against him yet. He is a bit reserved, but I don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing :)

Reed: I've got nothing bad to say about Robin, though I will agree with the fact that he's reserved. He's a Hootie and the Blowfish fan which I thought was cool cause I like Darius Rucker.

Boris: What I really appreciate about him is that he seems to be very positive and genuinely interested in getting to know others. He asked me so many questions about my work, which is really cool.

Reed: We talked about cooking shows and college, so again in agreement. Dude is pretty cool. Leah was next. I haven't had a long chat with her, but it's been a good one so definitely a pro there. I do find it a bit odd that she's so shy for a Gemini, but since when were zodiac things truly perfect and accurate.

Boris: I actually don't think she is shy, from the convo that I had with her she seemed quite bubbly actually. I'm a bit afraid that others might not take her seriously. I do like her spirit though.

Reed: I actually like her, so I've got no issue with keeping her safe.

Boris: Next is Vicky, and to be honest, I don't really know where to put her yet. She hasn't really inserted herself much into the Circle Chat, however, she and I had a good conversation together, so if we decide to keep her, I hope she really inserts herself more.

Reed: I think she has potential, I feel like she has a great sense of humor but just haven't gotten to talk to her much.

Boris: I agree there with you dude, hopefully, she sees that rating as an opportunity to go out of her shell :)

Reed: These next two confuse me a bit. Peaches I think is hilarious. She's so blunt and in your face. But she's all babes and hun with me.

Boris: I dunno about Peaches. I can imagine she is a very nice girl, and I know my brother would adore her, and I do find her funny, but her bluntness can be a bit exhausting. Maybe it is my lack of humor at times, but the one joke she made about me and being named after Boris Johnson didn't really hit me. I know she meant no harm and I wasn't offended, but she needs to be a bit more careful with her filter.

Reed: I gotta admit I didn't understand that one. My other negative would be that she's about appearances very strongly. Makeup artist dyes her hair. For that matter so does Jan now that I glance at my notes again. Maybe if she toned things back she would do alright in the circle. I don't know.

Boris: And last but not least, Dylan. I can see why people put him last, and to be honest, I didn't really have him high on my list either, but after I put my ranking in, we actually had a cool conversation and I think people just need to get to know him better.

Reed: I want to save Dylan to be quite honest. I was shocked when I saw him in 8th place. I actually ranked him pretty high. He overuses like and UK slang... by a lot. But when you look past that I think he might be a cool guy... Unless he's an older person posing as younger with to much slang as their catfish strategy. But he seems like a good guy even though we probably wouldn't normally be in the same circles.

Boris: The thing about Dylan is that he really reminds me of myself when I was his age, around the time my parents didn't accept my decision to become a professional photographer. I talked with him about that, and he has similar struggles with his parents. This is certainly not easy.

Reed: No, it's really not. We like all of them for different reasons. Though you and I are generally on the same page.

Boris: Yes, also considering that we just met them like yesterday, it is just so hard to cut one dream short so early. Being an Influencer is such a bittersweet thing...

An hour later

Vicky: Ugh! I hope I don't have to pack my bags...

Meghan: About time!

Leah: As long as they don't send us home...

Ned: Don't tell me it's me...

Dylan: Spit it out! Dude!

Peaches: What? Why?

Peaches: Ugh... I'm sad... Very sad...

Peaches: Oh well...

Boris: What now? Don't we have enough for today?

Dylan: Another alert? Do we have another blocking?

Meghan: That we know!

Jessica: Aww... I'm really sad Peaches is gone...

Leah: Yeah, she was a nice girl!

Reed: I guess it's me...

Ned: If I'm Peaches I will visit one of the influencers and wring their necks... Hehe...

Vicky: Aww... I hope she comes to me...

???: Helloooo...

Peaches: Hiya hun, shocked to see me? I'm very mad at you right now.

Reed: Not shocked in the slightest, honestly I was hoping you'd come over to yell at me so I could apologize to you face to face.

Peaches: I had you up as me number 1 and there you go blocking me. Nevermind, I guess people can't handle me. It's been lovely getting to know you, even if it were for such a short time

Reed: I had you as my number three, believe me, I fought for you. It was a really long and hard debate.

Peaches: Well thank you for that Hunny, it's all good though. I said in the circle chat that I'm like marmite, you either love me or hate me. Come to think of it I hadn't even had a private chat with Boris, I thought we got on alright in the chat last night though like and even had him as my number 3. Your hair reminds me even more of seaweed in person, loves it, lad.

Reed: I really do think you're hilarious and I was torn up over the decision so asked Boris to do the reveal. I felt he would say it with nicer words than me, as emotional as I'm feeling. Seriously so happy you came to yell at me. My seaweed hair and I deserved it.
It came down to your or Jan and I didn't have a good enough reason besides feeling something wasn't quite right. A gut instinct you can't name doesn't get the third place blocked.

You know... I've never had marmite, but since I like you, I bet I would like it.

Peaches: Boris smorish, don't wanna hear about him no more, to be honest babes. I could tell you were honest, that's why I came to visit you demanding answers hehe. Jan?! What's wrong with lovely Jan, she was my 2nd, my gosh this is some crazy stuff huns. Gut instinct about me? What do you mean, we're you thinking that I'm one of those catch fishes?

You don't wanna try marmite, it's yucky stuff. Now you go on to win this for me darl, then you can buy me some choccie biscuits with the prize money, OK?

Reed: No something weird about Jan. May just be her being a flirty lady and me... Not being all that flirty. I honestly don't know what it is. Just some nagging feeling. Gosh no I knew you were true.
I'll try to win, but no guarantees.

Peaches: Soz hun, thought you were talking about me for a sec. You mean to tell me you think there is something up with Jan and I'm the one that gets the block? Hun, I'm not liking this Boris Johnson. Remember babes to trust your gut if it feels right, me I wouldn't have a clue about this kinda stuff.

Peaches: Well, suppose I should be getting off now, had a fab time meeting you. Good luck with your game darlin!

Reed: Glad I got to meet you too. See you again soon Peaches.

The Next Morning...

Where are the twins?

Oooh, here they are... On the roof

Meghan is reading over her notes...

Ned, you just got up! Or did you fell asleep there last night?

Boris is making food

Reed is doing a workout

Dylan also feel some hunger pains in his stomach

Vicky, where are you? It doesn't look like your apartment.

And then the first alert for the day

Meghan: No Peaches, just cream! The Circle is underway #WhatsNext? 

Dylan: Stayed up most of the night, slept in this morning, I don't feel like getting up, the sunlight burns blad. #Nightowl

Boris: Feel very grateful to have been an Influencer, but feel very bad for Peaches. Both Reed and I had no reason to block anybody, which made this much harder. She will be missed dearly. Still excited for who is to come in next #ShowYourself :)

Ned: The reality sunk in a bit this morning.

Reed: Dudes I'm feeling gutted today. But the circle continues. Sending good vibes for #CircleFamPart2

Vicky: Grateful to still be here, but feel REALLY bad for Peaches...

Jessica: Really thought Peaches was fun and entertaining. Sad I didn’t get to know her.

After the video message, Jessica opens a chat with Vicky
Leah: Message. Hiya Vivi! ~ Sorry if you prefer Vicky, but I HAVE to give nicknames, it's just my thing :D So you must've totally got lost in your amazing apartment when I entered the Circle and like I was gonna go fully unpack so I thought I'd send a private message to have a one on one chat with you to get to know each other a Lil! You're so pretty! I'm well jealous ~. Send message.

Vicky: Message. Oh, finally, someone who actually says what they mean by "tell me about yourself"! Unicorn Emoji. I've been pretty damn scarred by that question after a sesh with my career counselor turned into an interrogation - she just asked that question in angrier and angrier tones ad sobbium. Sobbing Emoji. I've never seen Mummy look so much like she was ready to stab someone when I asked her about it afterward... #GoMum #MamaBear #NeverPissOffAnOldSoldier
Anyway, FTF, call me what you like so long as it's not "VICTORIAAAAAA!" Dearest darlingest Momsie and Popsicle only call me that when I've gotten on their wrong side, and Daddy especially - and believe me, you do NOT want to get on the wrong side of a direct descendant of a bunch of marauding Vikings! (Insert Led Zeppelin here...)
As for what I do, well, ah make shurrre y'all don't starve! *coughs* 'scuse me! But yeah, the family owns a farm and I help run it - conveniently enough, I was the only one who wanted the job out of the four of us. Absolutely no hate on the sibs - I mean, come on, who WOULDN'T wanna dungeon crawl for a living? - but I got the farm and the rest got jobs. #Yeehaw #CareersPeopleHATEHer #WastedPotentialMyAss
As for who I am? I'd say I'm a girl who reaped the benefits of growing up in a super, super big family, sparkling heart Emoji, lots of love but no pressure, y'know?
And finally... thank you! ☺️ You are too. Heart Eyes Emoji. Send message.

Jessica: Message. You sound like a whole lot of fun but oh my gosh I wasn’t expecting such a huge message to my little question! Hehe! You seem like #MyGirl though! Yassss! So you’re a farm girl by nature? Did you grow up there or move there when the time came? Do you get wicked parties with no neighbors to spoil the fun?! Oh oh oh! Do you have any cute chickens?!!!? Send message.

Vicky: Message. Yes, the chickens are the cutest - our grumpy old retiree Bobbin has to be my favorite, though I'm biased cuz I raised her from a chick, Yellow heart Emoji lived there all my life! And yes. The. Parties. Are. AWESOME. You should have seen us on my 18th - though maybe not Mum and Dad if you catch my drift  #TheWomanWhoKnewTooMuch. Send message.

Ned opens a chat with Reed.
Ned: Morning, Reed! It was great talking with you and learning the trick with blueberries, lol.  I'd heard of adding grated carrots or zucchini to ground beef, but blueberries are a new one for me!  Does it not make the meat have a sweeter taste? You were interested in country music, my ex-wife listened to that, but I'm more an old-time rock and roll fan.  Who are some of your musical inspirations?

Reed: It does make it a little sweeter, yes, but the spices you add really balance that out. It's not too different than putting tomatoes on things, to be honest. But yeah, puree it right up and mix it into ground beef is how I make burgers. Haven't honestly tried it on tacos but it should work the same, just doesn't have a binder in it since you cook the meat differently. I know, most people dislike country music. But Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, Darius Rucker, their music I can sing and enjoy. Got nothing against other music, the country is just where my voice lies.

Ned: Oh, I like Hootie and the Blowfish. Didn't know Darius Rucker was still active.

Reed: Yup, he's pretty cool too. I went to see him in concert and he sang a bunch of songs that weren't even his but with a southern twang while drinking on stage partying with everyone. To show that when there is a good song, it doesn't matter the genre, people know it and will sing along. I want to say it was a queen song, but the night is a bit of a blur. It was truly amazing though.

Ned: Yeah, he has a voice like butter. I'll have to look up some of his country songs.

Reed: Many country elitists say that the new country is ruining the genre. I think it's making it better. It's almost a new genre maybe country rock or something. It's good.

Meghan opens a chat with Dylan
Meghan: Good morning Dylan! Hope you slept well, not sure about you but I'm looking forward to today  :)

Dylan: Sleep? Nah fam, I don't sleep like when there are things I gotta be doing, sleep is for the weak, am I right? What you doing mate, how you been hanging in there?

Meghan: It certainly is! :P I'm not too bad, I've just come back from the hot tub on the roof- it was AMAZING! Definitely gonna enjoy it here. How about you mate, how you been hanging? :)

Dylan: Hot tub? Wicked! I didn't know we had a hot tub, I'm like so gonna try that out later. I'm okay fam, I'm like still adjusting to this place, it's much bigger than where I'm used to living, my bedroom is tiny, can barely fit a bed in it so you know, having my own apartment is gonna take some getting used to. I'm missing my cat tbh, she gets anxious when I'm away, hope my parents remember to feed her.

Meghan: Oh yeah it is absolutely fabulous love! So much room is gonna be a luxury to you dude, I'm sure you'll get to grips with it in no time ;) Aww, bless, what is her name? I don't have any pets myself, I used to have a dog but sadly he passed a few years back.

Dylan: Her name is Sheba, she's like a black cat with those big green eyes, my uh, parents don't really like cats, one of them is allergic so I keep her in my room mostly. That's heavy Jan, like seriously peak, you know but when they write themselves into your heart that's where they stay right?

Meghan: Awesome! She reminds me of that black cat from Sabrina, have you seen it? Yeah, it is, they become like family. He'll always have a place in my heart. On a more positive note, I've been thinking about getting a new one once I get home. Perhaps a Dalmation, I love the pattern on them! 

Dylan: Sabrina? Nah, never seen it, like I've heard of it but never watched it. That's awesome, not a dog person but like Dalmations are cool, would you get like a puppy or an older dog?

Vicky opens a chat with Boris
Vicky: Hey Boris! Or whatever you want to be called, I don't mind! Thought I'd chat with you because holy forkin' shirtballs do I know about the full name thing - I think I might scream in terror if someone calls me Victoria... Anyway, what I'd like to ask you is what made you enter the Circle?

Boris: Hehehe, hey Vicky. Well, the reason I entered is that I loved the first season so much and wanted to experience it myself. Also, I'm really interested in the social part of this game, no other Reality Show focusses on that fully, and I want to see how far I can get with being me.

Vicky: Also, waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Just reread your profile and you have a twin brother too? What are the chances of that?!

Boris: And yes, I have a twin brother, we even live together. But don't worry, even though we are identical, you can tell us apart :)

Vicky: Yeah, same re the social thing - the main reason I showed up really 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺 and yeah, Kassi and I aren't technically identical, but we totally are 

Boris: Oh, so you also have a twin, that is cool! Sorry, sometimes the language barrier gets the best of me. You know what they say about the English skills of dutch people. In my case, they are totally true xD

Vicky: Oh, do they? Yeah, I'm a sort of living embodiment of multiculturalism so I get it - Daddy's basically a Viking and Mum's of Italian descent can only speak English though... #embarrassinglymonolingual

Boris: Oh really? That is cool. Don't worry though, having other languages is nice, but since you speak English, I already think you are good to go :) You can speak it everywhere. Also, if you want, you can still learn languages.

And somewhere in the building

To be continued


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