Episode 3 - Familiar or Unfamiliar

Welcome back to Episode 3

We left off where a new Player has entered the Circle

Oooh, this looks nice...

I will take this room...

And I guess this room is mine then...

Yes! I am the one and only Min-Hee Ni! 

And I am the one and only Odessa Wolff! 

Min-Hee: "Being famous comes with a price. There are people out there who judge us because of our reputation without actually getting to know us first."

Odessa: "By playing as any random civilian catfish, people will judge us based on our actions from The Circle rather than from what they know from the spotlights."

Min-Hee: "That way we can pretty much start our reputation off with a clean slate, which is going to be a nice fresh breath to us."

Odessa: "Our catfish still has parts of both of us though, so in a way we're still playing as ourselves. Let's hope they won't figure it out..."

And our catfish? The one and only Simone Ashdee

Ned: Ooooh, an alert... Circle what do you have installed for us?

Dylan: After Peaches left, I guess we need a replacement...

Vicky: When somebody gets blocked a new person just enters the show again... They don't give us time to miss the blocked person... I will miss you Peaches!

Reed: Oooh, a new girl... I wonder how will she be?

Meghan: Simone? I hope she is nice... Circle, open Simone's profile!

Boris: Oooh, she sounds fun with all these fun emojis...

Leah: I hope she will be okay... Circle opens the Circle Chat!

Odessa:  So whatsup everyone! This is your captain Simone Ashdee speaking, and welcome on board of Circle Airlines. Twenty-four and ready to score, ready to find some new friends to kick it up a notch with. Feel free to chat, I won't bite... unless I'm hungry. 

Ned: Good morning, Simone. Very nice to meet you. Are you in the airline industry?

Min-Hee: Heheheheh, I wish, I'd be Hashtag loaded if I actually was. But thanks for asking, Robin. I'm just some silly cinema ticket clerk. It pays the bills and I still got free time so I ain't complaining too much. What's someone like you doing? Ya working in the steel business?

Ned: I actually work in the paper industry. I work at a book store, lol. Quite the opposite of steel.

Dylan: What?! Bangin' mate, like welcome to the jungle!

Odessa: Welcome to the jungle, lets roar together! RAWWWRRR!!! Hehe, like your style already, we're gonna rock this place up XD

Boris: Welcome on Board Simone, I hope we will have a pleasant flight with you in attendance! 

Meghan: Simone! Hello love, welcome to The Circle! 

Vicky: Hellooooooo Simone! A pleasure to be flying with you! 

Odessa: Welcome on board, Jan, Boris, and Vicky. How's you all doing today? Feel free to ask me questions. Also, does anyone here know how to fly a plane?

And then...

Odessa: I guess meeting the other players was fun!

Vicky: Ooooh, a new game... 

Vicky: Damn, I'm bad at films #CountryMouse

Ned: Oh, I'm not too good at movies. I mean, if it's a genre I like then, yeah, maybe. But overall, no!

Jessica: You need to help me with this, sis!

Leah: Hehe, I will try...

Meghan: I'm sure I can do it! LET'S DO THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!!!! 

Reed: A crab, mermaid, and a king? It must be Sebastian Crab in 'Little Mermaid'

Boris: It must be the film 'Lord of the Rings'. Sam and Gandalf!

Dylan: Home Alone? One of them is that guy outta Lethal weapon.

Reed: Really? That's awesome!

Odessa: A tea-party nice... I hope there is cake!

Odessa: They forget the cake!

Min-Hee: At least the tea is nice.

Reed: Let's do this... Circle opens the chat with Simone...

Reed: Hey girl welcomes to the circle. Sorry I didn't chat much at the party. I was making chili and didn't notice the circle open right away. Hah, my b.

Min-Hee: Delicious chili Sooo, what's your story so far? Got some juicy life stories to share? CAN TRADE BACK FLIGHT LESSONS AND FUN STORIES IF MY OWN

Reed: Nothing crazy interesting Nah. I played acoustic guitar for a while thinking maybe I'd be a country star, but changed my mind and went off to culinary school.

Odessa: Guitar! I know some about that, tried to go to electric from there. But then I learned that electric and normal guitar is NOT the same. cooking sounds cool thou, what food do you like to cook the most? cupcakes, vegan, muffins, cupcakes, rich bitch recipes with weird exotic names, cupcakes?

Reed: Lmao I'm not a baker. I mean I can make cupcakes, but you're gonna get closer to a failed it then a nailed it when it comes to the looks. I love my savory meals punched up with flavor. Chillis, egg rolls, stews, pasta salads with a kick. Stuff like that. Baking is more of my moms' thing.

Odessa: Whoopsie, my cake head got rambling there for a bit. 

And then after the tea-party another Alert

Vicky: Don't tell me it's time for the ratings...

Dylan: Let's do it!

Ned: That I can do...

Jessica: I think we can do this, sis...

Leah: I think it will be cool to be an influencer... Who will we put first?

Jessica: What about Jan? I had an awesome chat with Jan and she’s super nice and relatable. I love her so far. 

Boris: I would rank Simone second, but she can't be ranked, so I'm gonna give my 2nd Place to Leah actually

Min-Hee: Let's give us Dylan our 3rd place... 

Meghan: I think I will give Boris my 4th place, just to give another one a chance to be an influencer. Not that I don't like him, hehe.

And after the ratings, Ned opens a chat with Simone
Ned: Hi Simone, welcome aboard the Starship Circle.  It's pretty quiet this morning, not many folks around.  I just wanted to give you an official non-official welcome!

Min-Hee: Suuuuuup, thanks for ya welcome, it was pretty quiet when I dropped in. Guess more shit's stirring now, so me's a glad gal. How you doing? What you thinkin' of the group so far?

Ned: I've really enjoyed getting to know all the others here. It was heartbreaking someone had to go home, but that meant we were able to meet you. I think you would have liked Peaches, she was kind of a free spirit like you seem to be. Very upbeat and positive.

Odessa: Ouch I'm sorry... guess their loss was my gain. Hope we can meet her again after the finale? They did that last season as well, she sounds like my type.

Ned: You're sideways, babe. But I suppose that's the look you are going for.

Min-Hee: #NewViews baby thx, might change it soon tho XD Thinkin' of my other side or complete upside down... or maybe just straight up you never know

Dylan opens a chat with Vicky
Dylan: Hey Vickster, we ain't talked yet one to one, been thinking I'm totally missing out. How is the Circle treating you fam? What you think of the new girl?

Vicky: Heyyyy yeah Circle's been treating me well, wish Peaches was still here but Simone's great to you?

Dylan: All's good here Vic, all except I think I upset Robbo like, kinda started on him, I feel like a jerkass, thought he was saying that I live in a basement or something. Yeah, Peaches was cool but kinda too much. Sad to see anyone go though. Simone is way cool, I think me and her are gonna get on great.
What kinda music you into? I'm like looking for some new tunes, Reed said to try out Country Rock but not my sorta thing.

Vicky: Damn, I'm really not the best person to ask if I can sing it while pissed, I'm into it - being on a working farm our usual tunes of choice are basically sea shanties (land shanties?) or cadences of various kinds - and then in the evenings it's old trad/Cash/whatever from the family's time in the forces. Mum's got a couple old battered instruments kicking around courtesy of a family friend so sometimes we'll drag out the old guitar, but I haven't listened to other people's music in yonks!

Dylan: That's sick Vic... heh, sick Vic (I'm a poet and I don't know it!) Sea shanties? Like serious?! Not my scene but I get it. I don't know what Candances means fam but music is best when it's homemade even if it's pissed singing. 

Vicky: Shanties and cadences are basically the same things - think chucking hay around to "WE ARE WE ARE WE ARE WE ARE WE ARE THE ENGINEERS, WE CAN WE CAN WE CAN WE CAN DEMOLISH FORTY BEERS!" et cetera and you've got it #ArmyBrat #ChuggaMuggaMead

Dylan: Your fam in the army Vic?

Vicky: Well, were. But yeah - it's how they met! And my aunt and uncle actually - for some ungodly reason both brothers decided to join up together...

Dylan: Mad respect like that's awesome. Did your parents want you to join the army too or were you like, Nah fam?

Vicky: No way! They were SO glad to get out, Daddy especially. Luckily, the last big war ended before either of them saw any real action - just enough that they retired and got the everloving hell outta dodge first chance they got 

Boris opens a chat with Reed
Boris: Hey man, how are you doing?

Reed: Still feeling pretty gutted. I was right, she came to see me and she was mad. She called you that other Boris again said you're shady, was glad to meet me since she knew I was true and then left. Yeah, dudette was pretty steamed...

Boris: Oh man, that is exactly what I feared. She must have taken it very personally, that is absolutely not what I wanted to convey. Still isn't nice to compare me with a self-centered politician...

Reed: I tried to calm her down but I think I failed. I don't think you're a self-centered politician if that helps. Pretty sure I wouldn't be vibing with a politician at all. Hah!

Boris: Especially since he is basically a carbon copy of you know who? Thanks, that really means a lot. At the end of the day, it is part of the game, and I wouldn't be shocked if I was to be blocked next xD

Reed: I'm glad she didn't call us out in her video, if she had, then I'd be worried for us both. But I think we're safe.

Meghan opens a chat with Leah
Meghan: Hi Leah! I didn't get to chat with you much yesterday but you seem like a lovely girl, how are you finding your new apartment? 

Jessica: Hiya Jannie! So good to get this one on one go. God! I can’t even get over your eye and lashes. Girl you’re slaying! #SingleMyAss!! The new apartment is amazing! So stunning! It’s like living in a fairy tale really. So lucky the producers have really gone all out.

Meghan: Yeah it's gonna be fun! Thank you so much, Leah, you're so kind. If only the right man could fall into my arms that'd be great haha. They've been very generous with the budget, it's so nice (is it bad I kinda want to take some of this stuff back home when it's over)? Don't tell the producers I said that 

Jessica: Hehe, I won't. Did you talk to the new girl yet?

Meghan: Simone? Yeah, she looks to be quite fun too so we'll see how things go

Jessica: I still gotta meet her. I haven’t even said hello to her yet. I’m a little overwhelmed with everything! Trying to catch up and learn the Circle. Hopefully, I’m not too late!

Meghan: Yeah I've been overwhelmed too, the messages seem to be popping up much faster this season!

Jessica: I know! It’s hard to keep up. You wake up in the morning and you’ve missed the whole Circle! Tomorrow morning we’ll be waking up in the finale! I hope I don’t miss anything!

Meghan: Haha that is exactly what is happening! Then we'll sleep again and it'll be the Season 4 finale! 

Jessica: I feel you! My head has been all over the place today too. I think it’s the weather or the moons position or something!

Meghan: I never thought about that, that would make a lot of sense. Do you believe in moon positions and all spiritual stuff like that?

Jessica: For the most part I do. My mam has been really into that sort of stuff and a little bit of it rubbed off on the rest of the family. I believe in the star signs, cause Gemini fits me to a T! Most people guess I’m a Leo but I’m definitely not that confident or that egotistical! It’s just how I was raised I guess.

And then...

Odessa: Luckily, we are safe!

Min-Hee: Yep!

Ned: Hopefully, I'm not 7th...

Vicky: Aww man! That's definitely not good... 

Boris: I do believe I will be rated low but please not 6th place...

Meghan: Aww, Robin... Why people?

Jessica: I think 5th place is okay...

Leah: Nah... I want to be an influencer.

Reed: 5th place isn't that bad... Is it?

Dylan: I will be okay with a 4th place...

Min-Hee: That's not a too bad place for them to be after being the first influencers 

Ned: I guess it will be Dylan... He did well.

Vicky: Can we swap places?

Boris: Jan and Leah, did well to be influencers this round. Hopefully Reed and I will be safe.

Meghan: Yes! I'm an influencer!

Jessica: That's so cool!

Leah: I told you so...

Reed: Accept for Simone I think... She's safe!

Dylan: I hope it's not me going home...

To be continued...


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